The Dark Side of Pitbulls: What Happens If A Pitbull Tastes Blood- Solution

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Pitbulls are known for their tenacity and strength, making them popular choices for hunting, guarding, and even dog fighting. However, pitbulls have a bad reputation due to their history of aggression towards other dogs and even humans. One common myth is that pitbulls are more prone to violence if they taste blood. In this article, we’ll explore whether this myth has any truth.

What Happens If A Pitbull Dog Tastes Blood

Understanding Pitbulls

Before we delve into whether pitbulls are more aggressive after tasting blood, let’s first understand the breed. Pitbulls were originally bred in England for bull-baiting, a cruel sport that involved dogs attacking bulls. When bull-baiting was banned in the 19th century, pitbulls were used for dogfighting instead. This led to the breed being selectively bred for aggression and tenacity.

What Happens If A Pitbull Dog Tastes Blood

Myths about Pitbulls

Due to their history pitbulls have gained a reputation for being dangerous and aggressive. One common myth is that pitbulls have a “locking jaw” that makes it impossible to release their bite. This is false; pitbulls have the same jaw structure as any other dog. Another myth is that pitbulls are inherently aggressive and will attack without provocation. This is also not true; pitbulls can be just as friendly and gentle as any other breed, depending on their upbringing and training.

The Myth of Bloodlust

Now, let’s address the myth that pitbulls become more aggressive if they taste blood. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim. While some dogs may become excited or aroused by the smell of blood, this does not necessarily mean they will become violent. A dog’s behavior depends on many factors, including temperament, training, and environment.

Pitbull Aggression Triggers

So, what are the triggers that can make a pitbull aggressive? Dogs can become aggressive if they feel threatened or their territory is invaded. Pitbulls, in particular, may become aggressive towards other dogs due to their history of dog fighting. Lack of socialization and training can also contribute to aggressive behavior.

How to Prevent Pitbull Aggression?

Proper training and socialization from a young age is the key to preventing pitbull aggression. Pitbulls should be exposed to various people, animals, and environments to help them become well-rounded and confident. Positive reinforcement training methods should be used to teach pitbulls appropriate behavior and discourage aggressive tendencies.


In conclusion, scientific evidence does not support the myth that pitbulls become more aggressive if they taste blood. Pitbulls, like any other breed, can become aggressive if they feel threatened or have not been properly trained and socialized. With the right upbringing and training, pitbulls can be loving, loyal, and gentle companions. It is up to owners to ensure their pitbulls dogs receive the proper care and attention they need to thrive.

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